Six Steps To Powersaving

1. Initial contact and walk-through inspection of facility.

2. Evaluation report and approval to conduct an Energy Audit and spot saving opportunities.

3. Facility Audit - On and Off Site Performance - Our engineers will inspect and collect data related to energy from your entire facility. Your system will receive the highest degree of detailed attention during the site survey, including:

  • a suite of in-depth inspection of major loads and electrical panels
  • detailed visual inspection of electrical distribution system
  • review billing history for usage and demand characteristics
  • gathering data load by load from equipment, HVAC and lighting at the entire facility
  • determining the effective load and run times of lighting, mechanical equipment and HVAC
  • widespread harmonics testing in the facility
  • building envelope, insulation and inspection of windows and doors
  • inspection of boilers, furnaces and building automation system
  • computer simulation for best balanced cost reduction against load and power quality
  • interview staff and create a corporate awareness program to conserve energy

4. Project Proposal - All of the information gathered will be recorded into standard forms and spreadsheets to spot energy saving opportunities. Perform computer simulation and provide the solution into a project design report. This proposal will include:

  • detailed report of energy bill costs and history
  • explanations on how those costs are created by different types of load segments
  • report on overall connected electrical load by type of equipment
  • specific statement of the work we recommend to be performed
  • financial costs, payback period, tax savings, ROI and guaranteed savings
  • leasing options with no capital costs - lease payments made from monthly savings
  • guaranteed savings program backed by third party insurance if required
  • reduced maintenance costs and other secondary benefits of the retrofit work
  • details of training & orientation of staff towards savings program, monitoring and tracking

5. Project Installation - (After evaluation and approval by the client): The energy efficiency project in your facility is a carefully engineered action plan for improvements at site to save on consumption & maintenance costs and increase asset value by:

  • installation of power conditioning systems and devices to save electricity - (KW & kWh)
  • retrofits of fluorescent T12/magnetic ballasts and installation of High-bay energy efficient fluorescent fixtures replacing metal halide lamps
  • installation of lighting controllers for base board heaters, fluorescent and HID lamps
  • treatment/upgrade of boilers, motors, HVAC systems
  • building automation systems, motion sensors and dimmers building envelope and insulations
  • natural gas conditioning to achieve efficient combustion and avoid wastage
  • orient people towards savings with workshops and group participation

6. Ongoing verification, monitoring, tracking and reporting of savings